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Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sephora UK?

Hello my lovelies! Sorry I've been a bit lax here, but I'm annoyed because the only camera I have right now is in my phone and it's awful, awful quality, and I feel I can't really post anything on here to show colours or swatches or anything accurately. It's a shame because I got MAC Pink Nouveau lipstick in the post the other day, and it really suits my skintone and matches my current hair colour really well and I'd love to do some camwhoring, but the photos I have belong on Facebook and not really anywhere else!

Anyway, I have other news. The other day I decided to contact Sephora as I often see on beauty blogs etc etc that people get stuff from there, and they do seem to have a great range, but do they have UK stores? NO! They have them in the USA, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, Poland, Spain, Mexico, France, Canada, Greece and the Czech Republic. So I emailed and aksed if they planned to open any in the UK, and if not, if they shipped to the UK from the US site and I got this response:
Better than nothing, but I DON'T SPEAK FRENCH!!! Google Chrome can translate for me, but it's a bit difficult when the images and Flash animations etc have stuff in French, and I don't really understand Euros tbh. I can work out USD in relation to GBP but not so much Euros... *sigh* I might reply but I'm not sure it's worth it. I suggest if any of you are interested in getting Sephora over here too, that you also contact them, and let them know I sent you! If they see there is demand, maybe they will come around.

Please leave me your thoughts about this and spread the word around. I'm only a little blog right now, but more traffic would be nice! I really think Sephora are losing out here. What did we do to upset them eh?!

*EDIT* I did send them a reply to point out the fact that I don't speak French and to ask why they had no plans to open up here as I believe they would be successful here. Back me up people!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

MAC Cosmetics new releases!

Oh my. I logged into MAC's website today and I am having heart palpitations!! I have been Waiting for MAC Shop Mac Cook and I knew about a few others on the way, and I knew Marcel Wanders 2 was coming out in the US this month but I am totally floored to see TEN new sections in the "what's new" space of the UK website. Admittedly some are re-releases or simply make-up bags but OH EM GEE.

I don't think there is enough money in my bank account to facilitate all the shopping I want to do there right now... I shall have to be frugal. I have 6 MAC empties ready to Back2MAC for a lipstick, but oh my, the CHOICES!!

What do you have your eyes on?

I'm ruling out Marcel Wanders mostly as I have heard it's not worth the price really. So very pretty to look at, but the products within aren't really worth breaking the bank for. Oddly enough a lot of it s ALREADY sold out anyway!

I think I would like (in an ideal world)

MAC Shop and MAC Cook
Shop and Drop Quad
Naughty Saute/Quick Sizzle/Dish it Up lipstick (not decided yet.. ARGH!)
A Tendertone.. mostly likely Tread Gently or Purring as they looked beautiful in Temptalia's swatches (and I'm a little swayed by the name Purring being a Mad Cat Lady)
Maybe a fluidline too. Added Goodness is supposedly lovely in person!

Chen Man
I'm quite tempted by Pink Union
and Reflects Blue pigment is beautiful
perhaps Budding Love lipstick could be my Back2MAC joy?

Well I'm a sucker for pigments, but I'm not seeing anything I don't have already (or near enough) but those little stacks are so cool!
Pearlglide liner in Undercurrent could certainly sway me a little, though I'm more of a gel liner sort of gal.
Butterfly Dream Plushglass is divine and certainly wearable (well, for me, I do have lilac and purple hair right now)

Viva Glam Nicki and Ricky
We can't forget Nicki and Ricky's Viva Glam's can we? I can't help but feel Nicki's Viva Glam wouldn't suit my skin-tone, but I'd have to see it in person to check really.
I like the idea of Ricky's but I'm not sure I'd find it that useful in my regime tbh.

I think the others are re-releases/repackaging or those soft-sacs?
I'm tempted by some of the Sheen Supremes. I'm guessing they won't count in Back2MAC though! For a girl who doesn't do much lip colour, I'm very taken with a lot of lip colours in these collections!

Oh gosh I nearly forgot Tour De Fabulous. So many at once I can't keep up! Style Packed or Real Posh seem the most me, but I can't remember the swatches I've seen now! Oh I'm so overwhelmed! My husband is going to hate me for all the grovelling I'll be doing when he gets back from work to convince him I deserve all of these lovelies!