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Monday, 13 February 2012


I am in love with this girls blog! She does her eye make-up in such an amazing way it puts me to shame! She's got some excellent tutorials as well as pretty pictures to drool over.

I thought my eye make-up was bold and bright! Seriously, check it out, she's amazing! I've been following her Facebook too:

Here's a couple of my favourite looks of hers:

Bit of purple theme from me! I looooove the purple.

Hopefully she doesn't mind me using her picture- it's not intended to be theft, I just wanted to share the love! If it's unacceptable, I'll take them down.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Paul & Joe's Cat Collection

Some of you may already be aware of the beautiful cat shaped lipsticks that Paul & Joe brought out in 2010 which were very well received. Personally, I don't wear a lot of lipstick as I'm more a heavy eye make-up and subtle lips sort of girl. I'm also a Mad Cat Lady, and I know I couldn't possibly use a lipstick like that as it would wear away the pretty kitty!!
(Above picture is of the 2010 Lipsticks, everything else is the current 2012 range)

I'm pleased to say that they've made a whole new range of kitty based make up including blushers, eye shadows, nail polishes and lipsticks.

The lipsticks now have paw prints in as well which I would find much easier to use as I wouldn't be afraid of wearing the images away as they go right the way down the product. The blusher comes in a stick that looks much like the old style lipsticks, though this cat has a tiny top hat on! Yes you read that correctly, cats in top cats. They all have amazing cat related shade names as well like "Siamese Please" and "Catwalk"

I have to say I would love to own some of this beautiful collection, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to bring myself to use any of it, which sort of makes it a bit pointless. What do you lot think? MEOW!

Now available in the UK at ASOS